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   Founded in 1987, we are a Private Equity company, created with the purpose of developing businesses that provide sustainable socioeconomic development, attracting corporations, investors, sovereign wealth funds and governments, and also raising funds via direct financing in the equity / debit finance modality, for opportunities, always aligned with “ESG” principles (Environment, Sustainability and Governance).



   Based on our experience acquired with the application of our proprietary technologies developed by our subsidiary 

Wise Minds Technology, recover / regenerate the environmental degradation provided by traditional industrial activity, under the obsolete concept of linear economy, operating in sync with an organized structure sharing synergies based on circular economy.



  • The urgent need to reduce CO² emissions on our planet, which provide increasing global warming, and make it feasible to achieve the goals set by the WEF (World Economic Forum) within the established deadlines, replacing fossil fuels with alternatives, is constantly being discussed. 100% sustainable and organic.


  • Likewise, develop 100% sustainable alternatives for the generation of electric energy (Biomass, Wind, Solar), today predominantly mostly obtained using coal and diesel.


  • Extinguish / ban the use of inorganic chemicals toxic to the environment that produce environmental liabilities progressively due to their inappropriate and / or inefficient disposal.


  • Mineral raw materials vital to the economy, such as “P” (phosphorus), which is a important macro nutrient for the formulation of fertilizers, finds its extractive reserves very close to its final depletion.


  • The planet is in urgent need of basic sanitation (drinking water distribution networks and sewage collection / treatment) but that use new technological solutions that do not produce cumulative toxic waste in nature caused by dependence on the use of inorganic chemical inputs.


  • Rivers, lakes and aquifers, worldwide, have increasing levels of the presence of harmful substances such as ammonia in the capture of water and phosphorus in the disposal of STP (sewage treatment plants).


  • LCA (Low Carbon Agriculture) practices are indispensable for agribusiness, also with access to new organic technologies for weed control, fertilization and pest control, with cost reduction and providing increased efficiency, productivity and profitability.


  • Concern with the responsible disposal and recycling of solid waste produced in large cities (TRASH), which end up largely deposited in nature.Discussions about the urgent need to reduce CO² emissions on our planet, which provide increasing global warming, and make it feasible to achieve the goals set by the WEF (World Economic Forum) within the established deadlines, replacing fossil fuels with alternatives sustainable and organic.


  •  Promote 100% sustainable alternatives for the generation of electric energy (Biomass, Wind, Solar), today mostly predominantly obtained using coal and diesel oil.


  • Extinguish / ban the use of inorganic chemical substances toxic to the environment that generate environmental liabilities progressively due to their inadequate / inefficient disposal.


  • Mineral raw materials vital to the economy, such as “P” (phosphorus), which is a vital macro nutrient for the formulation of fertilizers, finds its extractive reserves very close to its final depletion.


  • The planet urgently needs basic sanitation, (drinking water distribution networks and sewage collection / treatment), but using with new technologies that do not produce cumulative toxic waste in nature caused by dependence on the use of inorganic chemical inputs. Rivers, lakes and aquifers, worldwide have increasing levels of the presence of harmful substances such as ammonia in the capture of water and phosphorus in the disposal of STP (sewage treatment plants).



   Our technologies developed over the past 33 years of our history, have 100% sustainable solutions to solve each of the topics highlighted above, providing scale, efficiency and comfortable profitability, promoting sustainable socioeconomic development, creating jobs, income, health, training and knowledge , in geographic regions of our planet where people still live in a situation of misery. Our focus is on developing business in African, Caribbean, Central America, India (in the latter with a more concentrated focus on basic sanitation) and obviously also in Brazil.



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)   Other tradicional business segments welcome to join SYNERGIES in our colaborative "CIRCULAR ECONOMY" model operations




   All of our activities below are designed for “ZERO” CO² emissions, self-sufficiency in power generation, maximum rate of CO² credits and also minimum generation of tailings. Virtually everything is recycled and reused.


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   Arable land selected for the formation of farms, processing, cultivation and supply of renewable / organic raw material to feed the production of all our industrial complexes. Via concession, lease or permanent purchase.


   Silviculture activities (Black Acacia, Eucalyptus, Moringa oleifera), sugar cane, corn, soybeans, sweet sorghum, beans, forage, beekeeping, pasture for livestock (beef / dairy cattle, swine), poultry, seedlings and R&D use fields.


   Total need - 4 Million Hectares / 10 Million Acres.




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   Preliminary studies in progress with high potential for the implantation of several industrial units for the production of organic fuels totaling 2BBGY (billions of American gallons / year). The billing will be guaranteed by Long Term Offtake Agreements (20 years and renewable), with an average revenue of US $ 7.25BB / year that will be produced in 20 autonomous industrial units in 7 potential developing countries.


Are they:


º Anhydrous Ethanol - Mostly for exports to the USA (Blend gasoline E85).


º Aviation Biokerosene - Meets the targets for a 50% reduction in commercial aviation emissions by 2050. Our technology allows for reductions of up to 97%.


º Biodiesel - Used mainly in trucks, trains, ships and thermoelectric power plants, mainly in the USA. Could reduce emissions by 70%


º Biogas - Used in Industry and distributed networks for residential consumption.






º Energy cogeneration - By burning biomass (sugarcane bagasse / others), without discarding particles in the atmosphere. Our estimated total projected cogeneration capacity in excess will be 5,600,000 MWh / year with sales revenues in the order of US $ 840MM.




   As by-products of both the agricultural process and the production of biofuels, we obtain sugar, “K” (potassium), green plastic, rubber synthesis, noble vegetable oils, (cooking, cosmetics, pharmacologicals used in oncological / herbal treatments), yeasts , proteins (human / animal nutrition), coagulants for water treatment, descalers, antioxidants, anticorrosives (industrial processes), tannins for leather treatment, wood adhesives, concrete additives.



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   In the Green Bee Agrotech division, mainly organic herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides will be produced, with the capacity to supply up to 15% of the global demand for Organic NPK, equivalent to US $ 21 BB / year at its maturity point (in 15 years). . It is worth remembering that Brazil is responsible for the consumption of 35% of all NPK consumed on the planet, however it produces only 2%. As differentials and or competitive advantages, we offer more comfort in the composition of costs making our farmers immune to exchange rate variations and unforeseen events caused by logistical bottlenecks, as the need to import these inputs is eliminated.






   In Brazil, 50% of its population (110 million inhabitants) does not have any kind of basic sanitation. Several other countries with a low level of human development located in Central America and the Caribbean, Africa and India, are in a more delicate situation in this regard.

  With the approval of the new regulatory framework for the sector in Brazil, there will be an avalanche of investments for the construction of water and sewage treatment plants, their respective distribution and collection networks, respectively, with estimated values ​​in the order of US $ 750BB. Our organic technology combined with other microbiological, mechanical and physical chemical solutions, extinguishes the use of inorganic salts, used as coagulants, radically decreases the consumption of chlorine, and therefore, changes the classification of the generated waste (sludge) from class 1 to class 2, as it does not contain substances harmful to the environment, being discarded in a 100% sustainable way, recycled and used for the production of gas and as material for Green Bee for the manufacture of fertilizers in liquid form, or dried in powder, or granulated.

   Sharing synergies with our other companies operating synchronously in our circular economy chain, we will add value to the new distribution structures by incorporating the offer of electricity and public lighting, gas, WEB connectivity and all the logistics for the collection, disposal and recycling of solid waste. (Smart City structure).





   Construction, operation / exploitation of concessions for Airports / Ports / Modal Terminals (fuels / commodities / Containers), pipelines, roads and railways and solid waste collection services (TRASH) for recycling.





   Participation in Mergers / Acquisitions / Joint Ventures / PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) or direct purchase opportunities from traditional consolidated companies, for the implementation of the transition program of its original operation based on the concept of linear economy, migrating to the concept of circular economy, with “ESG” / “Zero” CO² emissions practices.


   Focus areas - Sugar / Ethanol / Energy/ Pulp & Paper/ Seeds / Commodities and Basic Sanitation Concessions (PPPs).

Our expertise will provide:



• Average reduction in operating costs in the order of 15 to 20%.


• Increased efficiency and productivity by an average of 33%.


• Diversification in the offer of new solutions, products and services, produced from the old waste that is now recycled, which will now be able to generate new billing revenues possibly higher than those of its main traditional activity (between 50% to 150% depending on the market segment), and higher average profitability (EBITDA above 45%), without causing operational conflicts. ​​​​​​​


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